How much does it cost to install drywall in you Home.

How much does it cost to install drywall in you Home.

Drywall installation in your home

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Welcome to our comprehensive guide to drywall installation for Calgary homes. Whether you’re a homeowner or a DIY enthusiast, understanding the nuances of drywall installation is essential. In this blog, we’ll walk you through the entire process, from selecting the right drywall materials to finishing touches. By the end of this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle your next drywall project.

In Calgary, drywall installation isn’t just a task; it’s an art.

By following the techniques and tips in this guide, you’re well on your way to mastering it. Whether you’re a homeowner or in need of professional services in Calgary, Quality Drywall is here to assist you. Don’t forget to explore our Calgary Drywall Services for top-notch expertise.

Choosing the Right Drywall for Calgary Homes

Calgary’s distinct climate, characterized by cold winters and dry air, makes the selection of the right drywall crucial for your home projects. The type of drywall you choose can significantly impact the durability and insulation of your walls and ceilings.

Types of Drywall:

  1. Regular Drywall: Also known as gypsum board, this is the standard choice for most interior walls in Calgary homes. It’s affordable, easy to work with, and suitable for areas where moisture is not a concern.
  2. Greenboard: For areas prone to increased moisture, such as bathrooms and kitchens, greenboard is an excellent option. It has a water-resistant facing that helps prevent moisture-related damage.
  3. Blueboard: If you plan to apply veneer plaster or other decorative finishes, blueboard provides an excellent base. It has a unique surface designed to bond well with plaster.
  4. Fire-Resistant Drywall: In areas like garages or near furnaces, where fire safety is a concern, fire-resistant drywall is a wise choice. It provides added protection in case of fire.

Essential Tools and Materials

Before you embark on your home drywall project, it’s vital to gather the essential tools and materials required for a successful installation. Having the right equipment not only ensures efficiency but also guarantees a professional finish.


  1. Utility Knife: A sharp utility knife with snap-off blades is indispensable for precise cuts in drywall sheets.
  2. T-Square: This handy tool assists in making straight, accurate cuts, and it’s essential for achieving clean edges.
  3. Screwdriver or Drywall Screw Gun: To secure the drywall to the framing, you’ll need either a screwdriver or a specialized drywall screw gun. The screw gun is more efficient and designed for this specific task.
  4. Drywall Saw: For cutting holes to accommodate electrical boxes or openings, a drywall saw is invaluable.


  1. Drywall Panels: Choose the right type and size of drywall panels for your project. Common sizes are 4’x8′, 4’x10′, and 4’x12′. The type will depend on the area and your specific needs.
  2. Screws or Nails: Use appropriate screws or nails for attaching the drywall to the framing. Screws are preferred for their strength and durability.
  3. Joint Compound (Mud): Joint compound, often referred to as mud, is used for taping and mudding joints to create a smooth surface.
  4. Drywall Tape: This reinforcing tape is essential for covering and reinforcing seams between drywall panels.
  5. Sandpaper: To achieve a smooth and even finish, you’ll need various grits of sandpaper for sanding the joint compound.
  6. Corner Beads: For creating clean, sharp corners, use metal or vinyl corner beads.
  7. Joint Tape: This tape is specifically designed for covering joints and seams in corners.
  8. Safety Gear: Safety should always be a priority. Wear safety goggles, a dust mask, and work gloves to protect yourself during the drywall installation process

Creating a Textured Knockdown Finish

In the realm of drywall finishes, the knockdown texture is a popular choice that adds character and dimension to your Calgary home’s walls and ceilings. Creating a textured knockdown finish can be a rewarding process that sets your interior spaces apart.

What is a Knockdown Texture? A knockdown texture is a decorative finish that involves applying a layer of joint compound or texture mix to the drywall surface. The texture is then partially smoothed, leaving a subtle, irregular pattern that resembles the look of stucco. This finish not only adds visual interest but also helps to hide minor imperfections in the drywall.

Application Process:

  1. Preparation: Start by ensuring your drywall is properly installed and has been mudded and sanded to a smooth surface. Make sure to protect surrounding areas, including floors and trim, with plastic sheeting or drop cloths.
  2. Mixing the Texture: Prepare your knockdown texture mix according to the manufacturer’s instructions. These mixes are available in pre-mixed containers, making it convenient for DIYers.
  3. Application: Use a texture sprayer, a hopper gun, or a trowel to apply the texture mix to the drywall. Hold the sprayer or gun at a consistent distance from the wall to create an even application.
  4. Knocking Down the Texture: After applying the texture, let it sit for a short while, typically 5-15 minutes, depending on your desired pattern. Then, use a drywall knife or trowel to gently “knock down” the texture. This involves smoothing the raised peaks while leaving behind the desired pattern.
  5. Drying and Painting: Allow the textured surface to dry completely before painting. The knockdown texture should be ready for priming and painting within a day or two.

Fine-Tuning the Texture: The beauty of a knockdown texture lies in its versatility. You can adjust the thickness of the texture mix, the wait time before knocking it down, and the tools used to achieve different patterns, from subtle to more pronounced textures.

By adding a knockdown texture finish to your Calgary home’s drywall, you can create a unique and visually appealing interior that’s perfect for a variety of styles, from modern to traditional. It’s a popular choice for those looking to give their living spaces a touch of elegance and personality.


The cost to finish the drywall for a new 1500 sqft home and a 600 sqft basement in Calgary can vary based on several factors, including labor costs, materials, and any specific requirements or finishes you choose. Here’s a rough estimate to give you an idea, but please keep in mind that prices can fluctuate, and it’s advisable to obtain quotes from local contractors for a more accurate estimate:

1500 sqft Home:

  • Basic drywall installation and finishing: $2,500 to $3,500
  • Level 5 finish (smoother and more refined): Add $500 to $1,000
  • Texture application (e.g., knockdown texture): Add $500 to $1,000
  • Insulation: $1,000 to $2,000
  • Steel stud framing: $1,000 to $1,500 (if necessary)

600 sqft Basement:

  • Basic drywall installation and finishing: $1,000 to $1,500
  • Level 5 finish: Add $300 to $600
  • Texture application: Add $300 to $600
  • Insulation: $500 to $1,000
  • Steel stud framing: $500 to $750 (if necessary)

For a precise estimate for your project, it’s recommended to contact local drywall contractors in Calgary. If you’re in Calgary and seeking professional drywall services, you can also reach out to Quality Drywall for a tailored quote.

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